Wednesday, March 16, 2011

JABIDAH MASSACRE: A Call to justice as a closure

A Call to justice as a closure to the Jabidah Massacre
March 18, 2011
Bobby Benito
Executive Director
Bangsamoro Center for Justpeace Inc. (BCJP)

43 year ago on March 18, 1968, a group of Moro men were recruited and trained by Government soldiers in Corregidor, Bataan. But when they found out that they will be sent to invade Sabah they refused and were subsequently killed. Fortunately, one survives, Jibin Arula who jumped into the water and swam for days before being found by fishermen near Leyte.

A few days ago Jibin Arula passed away, the only living witness to the massacre. Until his death he was not able to get justice.

Jabidah massacre as the incident came to be known was the turning point for many Moro to be awakened and become aware of their oppression and marginalization during the Marcos regime. The massacre served as the motivating factor for the Moro to arm themselves and fight the Marcos government.

The added tragedy to the massacre was that up to this day it did not get the justice it deserved and thus there is no closure to the incident nor to the memory of those who died.

The justice that has been denied can only be achieved if the problem in Mindanao will be resolved through the peace talk. So, the Bangsamoro Center for Justpeace Inc. (BCJP) is calling for justice through the continuation of the peace talks between the government of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and immediate signing of the peace agreement.

Justice for the massacre victims!
Justice for all victims of violence and aggressions!
Sign the comprehensive compact agreement between the Government of the Philippines and the MILF! Now Na!

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