Thursday, December 31, 2009

Consultation Dialogue between and among Stakeholders on the current plight of the IDPs


The activities for the consultation dialogue have been exhaustive and comprehensive, for the period of forty five days the following were conducted; coordination meetings with the local NGOs, CSO’s and INGO,s, courtesy call visits to the different line agencies and LGUs of both affected and host municipality including visits with the AFP and the MILF that have help ensure the smooth implementation of the project notwithstanding the massive military offensive and counter attacked, series of bombings both aerial and artilleries and Improvised Explosive Device explosions in the target areas.
BCJP successfully delivered to the target beneficiaries the activities such as: four consultations and dialogues between and among IDPs from four barangays of Ganta, Penditen, Inaladan and Bakat. The consultation provides the target beneficiaries a venue to meet and discussed on issues that needed to be addressed that eventually led to the identification of their immediate and basic needs while in the evacuation centers and when they will return to their places of origin. Their recommendation were then presented to the different government line agencies, LGUs, NGOs, INGO,s and the military which resulted to the provision of assistance from the Pasasambao Integrated Health Services Inc. (PIHSI) who provides relief and medical mission at the NDD Relocation Site where most of the evacuees are from the project target areas.
A separate dialogue with the IDP leaders and traditional leaders, help facilitate the compromise agreement between the military (54th IB) and the community leaders of Bakat. The said Barangay together with Ganta was declared by the community as free zone and therefore not to be a part of any military operations and bombardment. After the series of consultations and dialogue, the result was presented to the different government line agencies, including academes, NGOs, INGO’s and CHR.
The presentation drew positive results and garnered commitment from MSF International who will provide 24 hours health services to the sick persons not only for those particular areas but all IDPs in Datu Piang and DOH-ARMM to provide health services to all the IDPs affected. The CFSI and the UN-WFP as well as the NDU peace Center and the MSU Graduate School were committed to assist the BCJP for the possible expansion of FREE ZONE area. A direct communication between LGU of Datu Saudi Ampatuan and CHR Region XII was established. Sharing of resources as well as delineation of services was also a major accomplishment of this project aside from understanding forged between LGU,s of both host and affected community. The concerned of IDPs was also presented to other INGOs in a separate meeting wherein the GTZ showed positive gesture in providing assistance to these communities upon return.
The consultations bring into the forefront the issues facing the IDPs in the evacuation centers at the same time raised the awareness of the stakeholders who have limited knowledge of their plight and thus the project has educated them and give them the motivation to take action to help the IDPs address their many concerns.

To establish safety and security mechanisms among displaced civilians during conflict through orientation on proper security procedures, sharing and crafting of compromised agreements between government and non-government organization including the military on the issue of safety and protection of the civilians.


On April 18, 2009, at around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, series of loud explosions were heard by residents of Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Datu Piang and other adjacent municipalities. BCJP documentation team received reports that sound of explosions were even extended to as far as Pikit in North Cotabato.
The report reached the BCJP office that the said incident is a new round of extensive military operation using 155 howitzers heavier than 105 artillery shells they are usually using.
Fatima, 30, from brgy Ganta disclosed “Ngayon lang namin ito narinig, walang kasing lakas, nalilito kami kung saan pwede tumakbo”. These civilians did not know where to run at the onset of those huge explosions.
The said shelling had caused panicked and extreme fear among thousands of civilians of Brgy Ganta, Penditen and Inaladan, Bakat and neighboring communities of Datu Saudi Ampatuan that forced them to leave their homes and sought refuge to Brgy Poblacion in Datu Piang, Maguindanao.
Since then, series of heavy shelling targeting these areas were loosened and firmed up by military troops believed that forces of Commander Ameril Ombra Katu were hiding and moving within these parameters.
One of the IDP revealed that there were civilians who died due to extreme fear caused by those loud blasts.
Further, BCJP also gathered report that Military is allegedly imposing “curfew and no entry policy” to majority of the humanitarian organization who are bringing food assistance to affected populace believing that, MILF members will benefit from those support.

In line with the incident, Bangsamoro Center for JustPeace in the Phil’s. Inc. (BCJP) in partnership with The Asia Foundation and USAID have conducted series of consultations among leaders and active displaced civilians to discuss and find relevant safety mechanisms that will minimize the issue of mortality and social distress during armed conflict through dialogues. The consultation started May 18 and ended last June 18, 2009

The result of the consultation was presented to international humanitarian organization including UN agencies, local NGOs and various people’s organization including media and the academe on July 14, 2009 at Bai Labi hall of El Manuel Hotel, Quezon Ave. Cotabato City. Collective preventive measures that will address the issue of safety of the civilians during armed conflict and their guarantee of protection when they return home were discussed and agreed upon.

Anent to this, the BCJP Project Team undertook the following stages of responses


Team Meeting and Planning

BCJP on its principle is sensitive in the achievement of the desired output and impact of any undertaking. As standard procedure of the organization, the Project Team undertook thorough staff planning to look into the possibilities and probabilities during the consultation proper. Outputs of the meeting are as follows:

 Tasks and functions of every staff involved were identified
 Processes and methodologies during the consultation were discussed and presented

The planning has extremely underlined the issue of sensitivity on the process and result since the consultation will trigger issues that are somewhat against the military institution. The approaches and processes are flexible in order to be fair between IDPs and the Military and other organizations operating in the said areas.

Consultation and Coordination Meeting

Before the consultation proper, Project Team conducted series of courtesy visits and consultation meeting with various humanitarian organizations operating in the vicinity of Datu Piang and Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao to explain the objectives of the activities, among the stakeholders were consulted are the following;

 International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
 International Organization for Migration (IOM)
 Community and Families Services International (CFSI)
 Non Violent Peace Force (NP)
 Kadtuntaya Foundation Inc (KFI)
 United Youth for Peace and Development (UNYPAD)
 Mindanao Tulong Bakwet (MTB), Inc.
During the visit, these organizations expressed their commitment to support the initiative. One of them says “this is very timely since majority of the activities are now focused to relief operations and installation of water and Sanitation Facilities. We strongly believed that there are many issues particularly on the plight of the Internally Displaced Person (IDPs) that are still unpublished maybe because, things like this were not initiated”.

After the consultation with humanitarian organization, the team underwent 2nd phase of coordination and consultation meeting with other rooster of partner, Local Government Unit of the two (2) Municipalities, 64th Infantry Battalion, 54th IB of 603rd Brigade, 6th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army.

It was emphasized during the meeting that objective of consultation is simply to shed light the issues of force evacuation and to document the experience of IDPs in the evacuation camps. The team is a bit sensitive on the process of consultation since the topics will highlight the pictures of human rights violations in the ground.

Both LGUs and the military have advised the team to be cautious in the process of gathering and documenting issues from the IDPs to avoid panic among them (civilians) and misunderstanding on the part of the military. BCJP on the other hand is a bit known to the Military organization since most of its advocacy works are underscoring issues of Human Rights Violations (HRVs).


Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) consulted were those coming from four (4) extremely affected communities in Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao, namely: Brgy, Bakat, Ganta, Penditen and Inaladan. In view of this, four separate consultations were held. This is to ensure that each plight and experiences of IDPs in their barangay will be properly discussed and documented.

Highlights of the IDP consultation

(IDPs Consulted are civilians displaced from Barangay Ganta in Datu Saudi Ampatuan)

(Consultation was held in Notre Dame of Dulawan Evacuation Siteon May 21, a separate consultation with IDPs leaders was also held on June 16, 2009 at KFI Sub office in Pob. Datu Piang, Maguindanao)

Community says:

 There were civilians arrested without warrant of arrest (due process)

 Actually, Brgy Ganta is a peaceful community previously. Residents were enjoying sourcing their livelihood through fishing and farming however when fully armed men allegedly belonged to Armed Forces of the Philippines started invading the Barangay on April 18, 2009, residents panicked due to several reports they have received that military is targeting suspicious civilians. To this effect, on the same day, Kamaro Abiden and Mamaged Adam were arrested and held in custody by military but later released because leaders were able to negotiate with the military.

 On the same day, civilians were forced to evacuate in Ganta Elementary School

 On May 1, 2009, Ganta Elementary School was hit by military artillery shell that forced the entire displaced civilian population to evacuate to poblacion of Datu Piang.

 Civilians were afraid because some of them were apprehended without due process. It had caused panic and extreme fear among them.

 SAIDA PONSO, 4 months already died in the evacuation center due to diarrhea.

 Because of this, 400 families IDPs were forced to move in Notre Dame of Dulawan Relocation site.

Highlight of the IDP Consultation

(IDPs consulted are displaced Civilians from Brgy. Bakat, Datu Saudi Ampatuan)
(Consultation was held in Notre Dame of Dulawan Evacuation Site on May 25, 2009 while separate consultation for IDPs leaders was carried out on June 18, 2009 also held at the KFI Field office located at Poblacion Datu Piang)
Community says:

 We heard loud explosions in a distance from our house; the military is utilizing their 155mm howitzers heavier than the 105 artillery shell they are usually using.

 Majority of the civilians were forced to move in safer grounds to avoid being hit.

 Aerial bombings followed immediately

 The operation is in response to the reports Military have received that elements of Commander Ombra Katu were going in and out in the said area.

 Situation in the area is worst, no food, no means of livelihood and there is a restriction of movements of the civilians along the parameter of the barangay

 This is said to be one of the intense military strike ever transpired in the said area in pursuit to the forces of commander Ombra Katu

 We are 150 families staying in Notre Dame of Dulawan Evacuation Center in Datu Piang, Maguindanao

Highlight of the IDP consultation

(IDPs consulted are displaced civilians from barangay Inaladan, Datu Saudi Ampatuan)
(Consultation was held in Damabalas Evacuation Center on May 28, 2009 and for the separate consultation with the IDPs leaders was held in Municipal Hall Canteen on June 9, 2009)
Community says:

 On April 15, 2009 military artillery shell hit the boundaries of Barangay Ganta and Bakat in Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao. No reported of wounded civilians.

 On the same day, there were reported civilian casualties in Barangay Bakat in Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao but these were not verified.

 Mortar Shelling were conducted every day, civilians panicked when the military artillery shell hit the Madrasah School in barangay Pidsandawan, Datu Saudi Ampatuan

 Civilians started packing up and evacuate to safer grounds leaving their properties and livelihood behind unguarded.

 Evening of April 20, 2009, Armed Forces of the Philippines lodged their extensive military operation, 155mm howitzers were again dropped in the area and damaging civilian properties.

 In Barangay Inaladan, many houses and farm animals were hit and burned.

 It created huge social distress among civilians in the community. Extreme fear is increasing.

Highlight of the IDP Consultation

(IDPs consulted are displaced Civilians from Brgy. Penditen, Datu Saudi Ampatuan)
(Consultation was held in Notre Dame of Dulawan Evacuation Site on May 26, 2009. a separate consultation with the IDPs leaders was conducted on June 5, 2009 at the residence of Brgy. Chairman of Penditen)

Community says:

 Affected civilians are extremely needing food and non food assistance

 It is not only economic activities of the civilians that were greatly affected but their psycho-social well-being as well.

 Situation of the civilians in the tent is deplorable, there is overcrowding, there were reported civilians who died because they were running after the ration’s ticket.

 Evacuation sites are prone to flood and not comfortable for the IDPs.

 There were many NGOs doing listing, coming in and out but in the end, no support is being given to IDPs.


 The Team maximized individual interview and focused Group Discussion approach to gather the most balanced data straight from the IDP themselves.

 The team is also sensitive on the terms and topics that utilized during the consultation to avoid misconceptions on the intent of the initiative. It was explained that the activity is not an attempt to agitate any organization and those institutions protecting civilian’s safety and security but to find lasting solutions regarding the plight of IDPs in different evacuation centers.

 The principles of the initiative are consultative, coordinative and collaborative. The main purpose is to seek opinions, ideas and recommendations from the partner’s actual experiences that would help attain the balanced result of the project. It is not the interests of BCJP but rather to surface out the unfolding stories of people whose lives are endangered through consultation, coordination and collaboration amongst and between Local government unit of Datu Saudi Ampatuan and Datu Piang municipality

 The team emphasized at all times that flexibility of all processes and issues to be tackled are maximized to cater to all issues with impartiality. This is to ensure that all stories among IDPs may it be rumoured and factual tales and between humanitarian organizations are properly aired out, documented and presented. Processes can be compromised in the context of surfacing out real stories. Truth can be written and expressed in many ways.

 The lines of questioning and manner of consultation are neither imposing nor a venue to campaign drastic moves against anyone. The IDPs themselves are the one initiating to tell and lay down their stories especially about their internal plight and their dreams for the future.


The findings and observations of the BCJP Project Team are based on the result of the discussion between and among Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the four (4) extremely affected barangays in Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao. These IDPs however are now staying in Notre Dame of Dulawan Evacuation Site in Datu Piang, Maguindanao

Civilians asserting that human rights violations in the said communities are increasing. It must be noted that BCJP is documenting the incident based on what they heard from civilians. Statement stipulated below are those gathered from actual interviews. Most of the time, their testimonies are not only limited to what they heard and see to their respective communities, sometimes they also shared their views and knowledge regarding experience of other communities. They generally say that:

o Their houses were burned by armed men, when BCJP asked them who these people behind the attack are; they said “It was… look like the military”

o actually, there is no encounter, shelling were lodged to throw away the forces of MILF commander Ameril Ombra Katu believed to be moving around these premises”.

There are many versions of stories of encounters, information gathered from civilians and those from the military differ. If you talk with the Military officers, the operation is legitimate; those arrested civilians were allegedly active MILF combatant under the leadership of Commander Katu. However, civilians seemed to be afraid of telling their stories. They are afraid of retaliation, according to them, they are powerless.

Thousands of displaced families from four (4) extremely affected barangays in Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao are now sheltering in various identified evacuation sites in Datu Piang, Maguindanao.

Results of the consultations were presented to the Thirty Eight (38) representatives from local NGOs like; UNYPHIL-Women, United Youth for Peace and Development (UNYPAD) Kadtuntaya Foundation Inc. (KFI) Consortium of Bangsamoro Civil Society (CBCS – KRMC), Bangsamoro Women Solidarity Forum (BWSF) Moro Women Development Empowerment Cultural Center (MWDECC) and Bangsamoro Center for Justpeace in the Phil’s. Inc. (BCJP) and INGOs that include Medicine Sans Frontiers (MSF) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) International Organization for Migration (IOM) Community and Family Services International (CFSI) United Nation World Food Program (UNWFP) and UNDSS.
From the Academe; Notre Dame University (NDU), Mindanao State University (MSU) – Maguindanao, Mindanao State University Graduate School and the Notre Dame University – Peace Center while the Local Government Units of Datu Saudi Ampatuan Maguindanao was also in attendance including the broadcast media ; DXMY, MBC DXTC 95.9 Hot FM, the print media; Cotabato Ngayon, Mindanao Gazette, the Mindanao Issue and TV
Government line agencies like the Department of Health (DOH-ARMM) Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD-ARMM) Commission on Human Rights (CHR – XII) were also present.
The presentation done by BCJP Executive Director through multi media movie show was all about the project, its rationale, objectives and the methodologies as well as strategies employed in the course of project implementation.
Second part of the presentation was the actual conduct of the consultations and dialogue, including problems encountered as well as facilitating factors that makes the project a successful one. The last part is the result of the one and half month activities, the call and recommendations of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) covered by the project.
It was an emotional presentation that captures the situation of the people and it made many of the participants cry because for the first time since August, they were able to see the real plight of the IDPs in the evacuation centers. It was a heart tugging scenario that was put before them and it resonates deep within their hearts.
Testimonies and confirmation of some local and international Humanitarian Organization on the situation of the evacuees followed and much later the questions and answers for the plenary and the presenter.
Following are the insights and recommendations that transpired during the presentation:
 There is a need to reach out to concern line agencies (AFP) on the issue of safe return and to discuss further the agreement between the 54th IB, in Barangay Bakat and Ganta. This is a contentious issue because according to the military there was no order for them to move or stop whatever they are doing in the field (offensive military operation)

 The need to strengthen and redefined Zone of Peace (Bakat and Ganta) people initiative (Academe like NDU and MSU will share their time and little resources) to involve the MILF. The Zone of Peace has to be declared formally and supported by all agencies concerned for it to be called as such and to be respected by all parties.(The good thing here is that the academe is willing to help the people of Bakat and Ganta come up with a formal document of the processes of the Zone of Peace declaration).

 The Commission on Human Rights though the BCJP will find and or locate Human Rights Victims for assistance even if the victims did not file formal complaint. This effort will be supported by the Datu Saudi Ampatuan LGU. This is a positive development considering that many human rights victims remain hidden for fear and also for the hassle of filing complaints considering that most of them are illiterate.

 Line of communication between the CHR and LGU of Datu Saudi Municipality was established and both vowed to work together to address issues of Human Rights Violations documented in the project.

 BCJP was told to inform the IDPs from barangays Ganta, Bakat, Penditen and Inaladan about the services being offered by DOH-ARMM as suggested by DOH – ARMM representative.

 MSF will offer medical assistance to the IDPs especially to the sick children and old people. CFSI on the other hand will do their part in the information dissemination about the medical services being offered by MSF in Datu Piang since they are also visibly serving in the area.

 The UNWFP will offer its resources upon the return of the IDPs to their places of origin. These resources include the most basic need of the people.

 Human rights education for the IDPs must be of utmost importance because it will be one of their protections against harm and abuse. This education will be done with the BHRAO and the CHR will be the one to take charge of it. CHR will work immediately with LGUs and NGOs involved in Human Rights to help protect the IDPs in the evacuation centers.

 As suggested by World Food Program Representative an advocacy group must be established through an e-group that will help push the ratification of the congress to adapt the CHR Bill pending in the congress. The e-group must be strong in its stand with many influential people invited to give opinion that will help generate support. This CHR bill if finally approved will be a milestone for all human rights workers and advocates.

 Continue information sharing amongst the participants in the presentation. Information sharing includes situation of IDPs, referrals to those in need of services and resources among others.

 Another forum to discussed Zone of Peace was suggested. Many of the participants find the Zone of peace a good issue to pursue. They wanted to help empower the people and to regain their right and dignity.

 There is a need to elevate consultation and dialogue to the higher level e.g. DILG National, CHR National, DND National etc. Another meeting will be called if others are willing to pursue the matter.

 Commitments of the media participants to cover stories and news regarding IPDs situation in the context of peace and human rights. Many noted that media in Cotabato City hardly covers the news with regards to the IDP situation especially human rights abuses.

 Need for the academe to get involved in the issue. Many knew about the situation but many are not aware of the real situation of IDPs especially in the evacuation centers.

 An open letter addressed to the President must be published in the newspapers and read over the radio asking her to do something about the situation in Maguindanao and to address the plight of the countless people suffering.


• Accessibility - several times, BCJP team were not allowed to cross the threshold of the conflict area and that caused some activities to be postponed resulting to the disappointment of some target participants and some loose to BCJP’s meagre resources. Bringing food to the participants during consultations requires some explanations to the military detachment who are always inquiring what the BCJP is doing in the area.

• Safety and Security of the team was also a problem, due to the series of bombs exploding in the highway. The military believed they were being harassed and that provoked them to launch an intensified military operation against the MILF forces causing more displacement in the interior areas. The team witnessed the day light aerial bombardment near the high way and the massive military deployment almost caught the team in the crossfire which caused fear and panic to some members. The bridge linking Datu Saudi Ampatuan and Datu Piang Maguindanao was bombed twice.

• Evacuation Center as Venue was also a big problem, food intended for certain number of participants would not be enough thus the team has to augment since you cannot turn away those others who are also hungry.


• Engaging with all stakeholders was a great help to the success of the project such as; the GRP & MILF CCCH who provide Security and Travel Clearance, courtesy call and coordination meeting with the AFP particularly the 64th and 54th, courtesy call and coordination meeting with the LGUs of both host and affected communities,

• Coordination and consultation with the CSOs both local and international that provide advices, tips and some strategies.

• Cooperation, collaboration information sharing and resources sharing with other stakeholders working in the same area.

• BCJP also carried out early and immediate dispute settlement that arose during the course of implementation.

• People are speaking freely in consultation and groups sharing if they feel safe. Most of the time, the people will test the waters first and check if there are no outsiders or spies joining in the sharing.

• Separate FGD with leaders and special sectors such as women and children is effective information gathering strategy. Women tend to be more open if they are all women in the group

• Most of the influential persons in the community are not elected nor they have government position yet they hold more influenced and power over the community people.

• Active engagement with the stakeholders is always a must to ensure smooth project implementation and to get the pulse of the issues in their community.

• On going armed conflict between AFP and MILF is adding fuel to the Clan conflict hence becoming more complicated.

• Religion is the most effective defense mechanism of the people affected by war. Their faith has a lot to do with how they are able to withstand adversities in life.

• Immediate conflict resolution amidst the dynamics of NGOs working in the same area.

• Always ready to learn from the people because they have so much to share and so much to tell about their situations in life and how they overcome adversities.

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