Friday, June 4, 2010

BCJP Denounces Israeli Attack; Independent investigation urged.

June 2, 2010

Cotabato City - The Bangsamoro Center for Justpeace Inc. (BCJP) denounces Israel’s outrageous attack on a convoy of humanitarian aid bound for Gaza on May 31, 2010. The incident resulted to catastrophic loss of life after they boarded and attacked the ships three of which flew Turkish flag. The Israeli attack “is an act of brutal state terrorism", said BCJP Executive Director Abdulbasit R. Benito.

“Israel, like any other state, has the right to defend itself and its territories, but this was an outrageous use of lethal force to defend an outrageous and lethal policy -- Israel's blockade of Gaza, where two thirds of families don't know where they'll find their next meal”. Benito added

With this, we are calling on the Israel to lift the blockade now. We are also urging the UN, EU, and every other government and multilateral organization to launch a full investigation of the flotilla raid. But without massive pressure from their citizens, world leaders might limit their response to mere words -- as they have so many times before. Hence we encourage every peace loving people of the world to pressure their respective government to do something regarding this tragic incident for humanitarian sake on behalf of the children, women and other vulnerable peoples in Palestine.

Let's make the world's outcry too loud to ignore. Let us all join in the call for an independent investigation into the raid, accountability for those responsible, and an immediate end to the blockade in Gaza. These people in Gaza have been suffering for a very long time already and now their suffering is even greater.

Their lives of people who perished in the attack cannot be brought back. But perhaps, together, we can make this dark moment a turning point -- if we arise with an unshakable call for justice, and an unbreakable dream of peace. Benito stressed out. “It's time for a full investigation to begin -- and for the siege of Gaza to end, he added.

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